The Santa Clara County Medical Association (SCCMA) is in a unique position to harness innovative new tech advances that emerge from the Silicon Valley. This page will showcase content and resources to embrace AI in healthcare.

Event: AI, Healthcare and Innovation Event - Part 2
Date: Saturday, May 11
Time: 8:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Location: HYBRID — SCCMA Conference Room (700 Empey Way, San Jose, CA 95228) and Zoom
Please join the Santa Clara County Medical Association (SCCMA) for an event designed to showcase AI in healthcare and give physicians the opportunity to embrace new technological advancements. SCCMA is in a unique position to harness innovative new tech advances that emerge from the Silicon Valley. This event is intended to allow physicians to stay current with AI integration in healthcare.
This event is HYBRID. Attendees may visit in-person at SCCMA office or log on via Zoom. Please register in advance.
Registration Pricing:
- Active SCCMA Members: Free
- Non-Member - Virtual: $25
- Non-Member - In Person: $50
- Office Staff of MD Virtual: $25
- Corporate/VC - Virtual: $100
- Corporate/VC - In Person: $300
This event is FREE for SCCMA Members and Members of Bay Area Medical Societies.
Tentative Schedule Subject to Change. Each event is given 7-8 minutes for presentation and Q&A